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Address-  School address is Theodore Jamerson Elementary School

                                             3315 University Drive

                                             Bismarck, ND 58504

         Phone:  701-530-0677

         FAX:  701-530-0601


After School Programs - .  Students must be in school all day to participate in elective clubs. After school programs are signed up for in advance.

Annual Report - Compiled at the end of the year.  Must be sent to the BIE (Bureau of Indian Education).  Includes test data for grades 3-6, attendance rates, teacher technology rankings, student technology knowledge, student cultural knowledge, safe and drug free information, student incident reports, educational information on staff, staff turnover rate.  Much of this information is gathered from written reports and information gathered at the end of the year report


Attendance Rates -   The goal is to be at 93% or better as set by North Dakota.


Acceptable Use policy- - Located in  family handbook





Budget - Broken up into approximately 10 categories.  Most of the money is driven by our attendance and student membership.  Categories include indirect costs which go directly to the college (utilized for support personnel which assist TJES), regular ISEP (Indian Student Enrollment Program) Ð funds classroom staff, music, PE, library, counselor (part), principal, business manager, supplies, equipment, etc., SPED (Special Education) O & M  Operation and Maintenance, Transportation,  Title I, II,  (RMC, training), Face,   21st Century,  Reading1st, Math Counts, Title VII (ELL)


BIE-Bureaua of Indian Education


Birthday gifts for kids  - Left up to each individual teacher/classroom.


Backpack food program -   Students/families may be eligible for a free backback of food every two weeks. 


Bully policy- refer to policy



Calling Tree  . . .

Comp Time Ð In the rare occasion where it is warranted, in-house comp time may be approved by the Principal.  Renee has a form that needs to be filled out and it must be approved In Advance Ð by the principal.


Cell Phones -  May be used at recess(if you are not on duty) and on break times.  Must be on vibrate or turned off during school hours and during meetings.  May not use cell phone when with children unless an emergency arises with the students.


Child Find Ð Many agencies come together to provide the Òcarnival likeÓ atmosphere event once in the fall of the year.  The purpose is to provide all kinds of pertinent information to the families and community of United Tribes. 


Committees Ð You will be placed on at least one main committee Ð reading, math, science, attendance, behavior, and safe and drug free.  Each main committee is to meet monthly Ð usually the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 3:15.  Each committee makes suggestions, works on that goal area, take notes and disburses or placed on the TJES Wiki for the rest of the staff to review.  There are numerous other special events and committees to volunteer for throughout the year.  You will also be placed on at least one other committee.  Meeting times will vary.


Calendar Ð TJES usually follows the UTTC calendar as closely as possible Ð differing in the fact that we have to have 175 days of contact with the students and 4 evenings set aside for conferences.  We usually start in mid August and the last day is mid May Ð then you can expect approximately 3- 5 more days of work/training/data retreat after that (extra pay if more than contract).  Our schedule may be adjusted to adhere to the college calendar.  There are also monthly calendars posted on the refrigerator in the office Ð please add special events, field trips, and meetings to this calendar.  Please utilize ICal on your computer.


Cultural programs  - Cultural activities will be scheduled throughout the year. There are some after school cultural activities Ð


Conferences and workshop Ð If you find or hear about a workshop/conference that is directly related to the field that you work in, print out the information including time, cost, etc. and request permission to go from the principal.  All workshops/conferences should be tied to our school goals Ð reading, math, attendance, social skills, behavior.  Upon your return, you are required to write up a short summary of the workshop for travel if $$ are involved.  A write up is required to be placed on the TJES wiki within two weeks of the training.


Christmas gifts for students Ð these gifts are your own responsibility if you choose to give a gift.  There have been special programs in the past that provided gifts for all students.


Christmas Program Ð The music teacher along with assistance from the Fine Arts committee present a student music program for staff, students, parents and UTTC community in December.


CERT - - Certified Emergency Response Team Ð Darcie and Jana are our leaders Ð they have trained to assist us in case of an emergency.  They provide training to us.







Duties Ð You will be expected to have either early morning recess (8- 8:20), breakfast duty (7:45 Ð 8:15), noon recess (time varies) or afternoon recess (15 minutes).  If you are not going to be here to cover your duty, you MUST find your own substitute by exchanging duties with someone else.  You must also make every effort to be on time and be constantly moving while on duty.  This is one of the biggest complaints of parents Ð they donÕt see us supervising outside and moving around.


Doors Ð Keep outside doors to your building locked during the day if at all possible.


DIBELS Ð Assessment currently used in K-6 on oral reading fluency.  Completed on the I Pod and synched to the web Ð gives instant feedback, graphs, etc.  See Brenda J for more information.



Extra Duty Pay Ð You have the opportunity to sign up in the office to assist with after school programs.  You receive extra compensation for working these programs Ð rates vary with the activity.  Sign up sheets are posted on the file cabinets in the main office or on the refrigerator in the staff room. 


Extended Contract Ð you may be expected to work for 2-3 days after the last official day of school.  These days are spent in training, data collection and analysis, and meetings.  You will be compensated at your regular hourly rate.  These days cannot be used for personal, sick leave, etc. 


End of the year requirements Ð Your area must be clean, orders for next year completed, cleaning list for the custodian, reports completed and filed (special project reports Ð such as music program, science fair, etc., student cumulative files, professional development log and annual report information if requested of your area)


Email address  - Everyone who works at UTTC has a UTTC email address


Email Ð All correspondence, professional development, committee notes, etc. 


Emergency Drills Ð Drills will be conducted throughout the year for emergencies.  Training will be held in the fall of the year for correct procedures. A Crisis Plan should be posted in your area.


ELO Ð Education Line Officer (Mr. Robert Parisien)



Fax number Ð The fax number for TJES is 701.530.0601


504 Ð Extra assistance given to students who donÕt have an IEP (Individual Education Plan)  No money attached.  Tanya Williams is the coordinator.

Family  Literacy  Ð.  Literacy program for families.  Math and Reading  committees takes care of all details.


FACE ÐHoused in  building 99. Home-based program for Pre-natal to five years of age, Center-based Early Childhood Ages 3-5, Adult Education center based.  School Readiness for Pre-school, Parent Skills/Classes, Tutoring and support for college classes, employability skills, culture and language enhancement.


Field Trips Ð Must be cleared by the principal.  You are responsible for requesting transportation and finances necessary.  There is a blanket field trip signed by the parents in the office for local trips, but if you are going out of town, you probably need to get special permission slips signed.  If you need extra supervision on the trip, please request through email or make arrangements with other staff.  Once again  - the trip should be in relationship to the goals at TJES.


Forms Ð is a google app that allows you to create online surveys.






G & T Ð Gifted and Talented program.  Mark Anderson is the teacher.  He has referral forms if you have a student who you think qualifies.  Testing is completed and if the student qualifies, a program is set up to serve that student Ð it may occur in the classroom this year along with pull out or after school.


Guestbooks Ð Each area has a guest book Ð you should use it for parents/visitors to sign in along with the stated purpose.  Examples might include RIF Day visitors, parent conferences, help in a classroom.  Please turn in at the end of the year to RMC.


Google docs -  Great place for group work




Handbook ÐEach staff member and family receives an updated handbook at the beginning of the year.  Please refer to this handbook to answer many of the questions you might have about TJES, policies, procedures, etc.  A staff list along with their assignments is listed in the handbook.


Human Resources Ð Located on the north end of the campus Ð log cabin building Ð take a left when you enter the campus and stay left Ð 3rd building on the left.  They will answer questions about employee benefits, leave, etc.  Ext. is 1221.



In-Service Logs  (Professional Development Log) ÐYou will be provided with an individual log or it may be accessed on-line at the beginning of the year to keep track of all training you receive during the school year.  This must be signed by the principal at the end of the year and turned in to RMC. Keep this form on your computer desktop or a hard copy should be in your binder.


Intensive Ð Level which students may be placed at requiring extra services  - lowest of the 3 levels for BIE Reads and Math Counts.




Junk -  When you have something in your room that you no longer need, put it on the

announcement board in the office Ð if no takers, we have had a rummage sale for our parents and families at conference time. 
* Anything with a red tag must be disposed of via Property and Supply.


James Henry Building Ð Across the street from the school and Twilla, the PE/Health teacher is located East in an office adjacent the multi-purpose room,



Kindergarten Ð Be patient Ð you were little once too!!!  The staff provides services for all our 5 year olds and they are also responsible for helping preschool make the transition to  TJES by hosting visits, etc in the spring. 




Lesson Plans -   must be completed by the end of the workday on Friday and turned in.  Please leave your lesson plans in an available spot so you are prepared for Monday in case of an emergency. Place a copy by the hanging folders near the principal's door.

LEA-Local Education Agency (in our case Ð this is TJES)


Lunch Room Ð If you are eating with students and helping them during the lunch or breakfast, you are not required to pay for your meal.  If you eat lunch on your own and do not help with students, you are expected to pay.  If you are assigned lunch duty at noon, you are expected to sit with students and help.  Please help at all times when you are in the cafeteria for breakfast or lunch if you see assistance is necessary.  All teachers should assist with lunchroom duties the first couple of weeks.  Thanks


Leave Slips are now electronic found in myuttc.  If you are requiring a substitute, you should clear your leave with the principal
If you are going to be absent for more than 15 minutes, you are required to do a leave slip. 


Leave Ð Please refer to your UTTC handbook for leaves granted to you.  


Laminating Ð The hot laminator is located in RMC Bld 204


Lock Down ÐIf a lock down is necessary, secure the door, move children to an inner hallway, close blinds in windows, stay completely quiet, grab the backpack bag and wait for the all clear signal.


Library - Staff members may borrow items from our library as well as other libraries in the area. If you have Special requests for items ask librarian. 


Mailboxes Ð All staff will have a mailbox in the staff room.   Please check regularly for mail and announcements.  Please try to check your uttc email daily or at least every other day. 


Money Ð Now we have your attention!!!  If you require $$$ for a classroom project or materials, please fill out a purchase request


Money for Professional Development Ð Dollars are available at times to pay for education credits, especially if the training takes place on-site.  You must fill out a form/request and submit to the PD committee.  Dollars are not always available for you to take classes but the committee will review and make every attempt to assist.  Always keep in mind the goals of the school.  


Mentor Ð Please help mentor new staff members as to forms, procedures, etc. 

MIS-03 Ð These forms are required by the state Department of Public Instruction Ð they are due in September Ð they require information about credits, class schedules, etc.  


MAP Tests Ð Measures of Academic Progress Ð Administered 3 times a year in the RMC building to students in grades K-8 in the areas of math, language arts, reading and science (grades 4).  Provides specific information related to the North Dakota standards and is a continual assessment of student progress.  Completely computer generated.


Mission Statement Ð Should be posted in your area.  Our mission is to teach and to facilitate learning in a cooperative, diverse, and safe environment.



NDSA  - North Dakota State Assessment Ð This standardized test is administered once a year in the fall to students in grades 3-6.  The results are utilized to determine AYP.


NASIS-  Native American Student Information System.  All classroom teachers will use it to input their attendance, etc.  Jana will provide training on the use of this system if necessary.   All of TJES is involved with NASIS Ð you need to finish security training and get a log in from Mrs. Cook  to access the information. 

NWEA -   MAP testing (discussed in the M section).  You will need to go to www.nwea.org for testing results.  




Off-Campus Work Ð If you are working on your computer at home, Your tjes.org Google drive is a great place to work on projects.



Purchase Requisition  (aka PR)  Ð must include a justification letter.  Our secretary can help you through this process. When the order is received at Property and Supply, they check it in, label if necessary and deliver to the school.  it will be delivered to you Ð if you donÕt receive your order in 6-8 weeks, please check with our secretary.


Powwow -  All staff should work at least 8 hours, if at all possible, during the powwow at the gate, parade, cafeteria, Arrow Graphics shop, etc.  Worker sign up sheets are usually circulated. Once the powwow is over, you will have 8 hours of compensation time, to be used with approval of the principal (kind of like personal leave).  There usually is a time limit within which this leave must be used.   Check your UTTC email regularly for information.  You may work more than 8 hours, but you will probably not receive comp time for that (discuss with principal for special circumstances)


Professional Development Log Ð You will receive a hard copy or by email to put in your staff binder to complete as the year goes along or you may use the form electronically. 


Pacing Maps   - Road map to keep you on pace for reading and math.  All staff teaching core areas will follow them explicitly.  Support staff will reference them for intervention group purposes.


Parent Teacher Conferences Ð The conferences will be held for 2 evenings in the fall and 2 evenings in March.  You must be in attendance all 4 days to receive 2 days of spring break.  See the principal if you have questions.


Positive Behavior Support ÐBehavior committee will be our lead people for this endeavor.  WasteÕ Way is part of this.  We will be utilizing AmsWeb to track behavior this year.


Personal Leave Ð You receive 24 hours annually for personal leave Ð you must submit a leave slip and have your leave approved by the principal.  You must also locate a substitute, exchange outside/lunch duties. This leave may not be carried over.


Phone Ð To dial out on the school phones, dial 8 and wait for dial tone.  If you need to make a long distance call concerning school matters, call office to connect long distance code.  Please use break times for personal calls.  You will not be interrupted during the school day for phone messages, deliveries, or visitors.


Playground expectations Ð Please refer to the student handbook.


Phone numbers can be found by looking up a person in your uttc email account.

PLCÕs Ð Professional Learning Communities.  Planning meetings, professional development.  These are scheduled during lunch time break Ð grade level specific Ð reading one week, math the next. The BIE Reads and Math Counts PLCÕs are used to discuss the data, move students to different groups, etc.  Constant assessment and actually using the assessment!!!  The schedule will be forthcoming.





Quiet Time Ð If students are in the hallway for behavior reason, old practice is not to ÒsocializeÓ with them.  They are there for a reason.



RTI -  Response to Intervention ÐRTI is the practice of providing high-quality instruction/intervention matched to student needs and using learning rate over time and level of performance to inform educational decisions. (taken directly from my RTI notebook)  We are all involved in intervention Ð not just our intervention teachers.  It is not about remediation Ð it means to intervene early and often. Refer to our walk-to-read.  We have 3 levels:  intensive (red), strategic (yellow) and benchmark (green).  Our next step is Blue and Beyond (above benchmark). Brenda Jechort and Misty will provide training on Rti.


RMC -  Once known as Reading Math Center Ð Building # 204 houses the computer lab used for typing and student research projects.


RIF Ð Reading Is Fundamental  A program, sponsored by a local Kiwanis Club, is used to provide quality paperback books for all students K-8 three times a year. Our librarian coordinates this program, houses the books and completes the necessary paperwork.


Reteaching Instructor  We do not have a person in this position at present.



Shelters Ð There should be designated shelters in the case of a tornado.

Security Ð Please lock all doors, close all windows and turn off appropriate equipment upon leaving at night.  If you need to work in your area after hours or on weekends, you must request permission ahead of time.  See Renee for this.


Strategic Ð Level of service for students requiring extra attention and time.  Middle level for BIE Reads   and Math Counts students.


Standards Ð TJES will be utilizing the common core standards.  Training will be on-going as we implement these standards.


SBR Ð Scientifically Based Researched


Safe touch policy-refer to policy as written by the TJES School Board

School Website (external) Is available from home at www. tjes.org.  

School Website (internal) You can access it by typing  in the URL spot on your browser.  Once there, several areas to visit include links to internally served applications and an archive of photos from previous and the current school year.  Links to student and teacher wikiÕs my also be found on this website.  This web-site is only accessible at school or  from home via your VPN connection. 

School Leadership Team- (SLT) meet the last Wednesday of every month to discuss, recommend and act on school improvement issues.  Minutes of the meetings are posted on the Wiki for all staff members.



Tax exempt number  used by school to purchase supplies without taxes.

Time Cards all employees are required to sign in and sign out.

Time sheets are now electronic. Ð You must submit a time sheet along with appropriate leave slips every 2 weeks.  Renee will put your time sheet in your mailbox approximately 3 days before the assigned due date Ð due by noon on Friday Ð paychecks are then released the following Friday.  If you want to make a copy of your time sheet for the personnel file kept in ReneeÕs office, please do so.  If you have worked extra duty spots, these time sheets must also be attached.  Direct deposit is available and encouraged.  


Ticket to Read  - An online program designed to improve reading skills.


 Three Tier Model-  A model designed to provide three different levels of services to students Ð Includes the core instruction for all students (benchmark), strategic for some students at risk and intensive for students needing individual/intense/longer interventions.


TJEA-Theodore Jamerson Education Association National Education Association (NEA) program at TJES offers, at a cost, optional  Liability insurance for teachers.




United Tribes email Ð All staff have a UTTC email address




Visitors Ð All visitors should sign in at the office before coming to your area.  Once they are in your area, please have them sign your guest book as a record.


Vision Ð We are here to prepare children to be successful citizens in a diverse world.



WasteÕ Ð A Lakota word that means ÒgoodÓ Ð we recognize our students for taking the good road, making the right choice.  Behavior committee member can answer questions.


Work After Hours Ð You must sign a form to work after hours or on weekend.








Yahoo Messenger ÐDied in 2018



Zoo Р   Not just a place to take your students.